Why does the US need China?

Over the past few years, the United States and China have grown considerably closer.
However they have simultaneously, and repeatedly voiced grievances about each other’s economic and military actions. Some US officials have been particularly vocal about their distrustof China, and polls from  show that more than half of Americans hold unfavorable viewsabout China. Yet, it is no secret that China is a major key to a number of US goals.

 So,why does the US need China?

Well, among its chief complaints, the US is concerned about Chinese manipulation of itscurrency, as well as the extreme difficulty American manufacturers face when trying toestablish businesses in China. There is also little intellectual rights enforcement, andeven international hacking rings with ties to the Chinese government. Moreover, the US’srecent naval incursion in the South China Sea have raised questions about the US’srole in defending countries with claims to the region, including China.
But realistically, the US is incredibly dependent on China’s economy, and vice versa.
 China is the largest exporter of manufactured products into the United States, so any inflation within China would immediately hurt American consumers.

China also imports huge amounts of capitalfrom states like California, where exports have risen to $ billion dollars as of .China is also the largest purchaser of US Treasury Bonds, roughly $. trillion dollars’worth, and by extension, a significant portion of the US’s massive debt. Not only doesthe US need China to buy debt, China needs the US to continue paying that debt.

But the US also needs China in non-economic matter too. In North Korea and Iran, the threatof nuclear proliferation has only recently seen some measure of control. Before the easingof sanctions in Iran, China was the country’s largest purchaser of crude oil, holding significant
bargaining power. Similarly, China is one of North Korea's few remaining allies, makingit possible to facilitate negotiation. Six-party talks between North Korea and the world powers have been repeatedly encouraged by China, which has tense but cooperative relationswith the Hermit Kingdom.

Finally, although China is one of the largest polluters in the world, they are also at the forefront of green energy which aligns directly with US interests. China’s environmental actions are seen as a guide for other developing countries, particularly in Africa. Without
China, the US would have considerable difficulty convincing the world to go green.
Despite complaints about each other, it is a simple fact that growth in both countries is dependent on them getting along. The stronger they are economically and militarily, the more control they are able to exert over the rest of the world. And in the end, this may simply be a case of “if you can’t beat

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